Daniel Celis


Hello! I'm Daniel

Software engineer and interior designer with 5 years of professional experience in customer service and logistics. JavaScript lover and passionate about technology, photography and design.

I am currently working as a Web UI Developer at Globant.

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Technical skills


Avatar API

Avatar API

RESTful API based on the television series "Avatar: The Last Airbender", with access to 456 resources, distributed in six categories: bendings, characters, nations, pets, places and spirits; hosted on Heroku and MongoDB Atlas.

Developed in Node.js, Express.js, Pug, MongoDB.

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Discotheque MVP

Web application that connects the client to the different places that he could go, according to his tastes. The app has a search engine that orders the clubs by category (disco, fonda, bar), by musical genres, location, type of audience.

Developed in Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, MySQL.

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AirBnB clone

AirBnB clone

Replica of AirBnB (command interpreter, website, database and API).

Developed in Python, Flask, Jinja, MySQL, JavaScript.

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Simple Shell

Simple Shell

Replica of the basic functionalities of a command line interpreter.

Developed in C programming language.

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Interior design

Interior design projects

Renders made in 3D design programs.

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